Results for 'Carla C. Keims'

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    Case Study: Dirty Blood.Carla C. Keims, Susan Dorr Goold, Elisa J. Gordon & Christopher James Ryan - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  2. Effective teaching results in increased science achievement for all students.Carla C. Johnson, Jane Butler Kahle & Jamison D. Fargo - 2007 - Science Education 91 (3):371-383.
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    Illusions of Certainty.Carla C. Keirns - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (3):210-212.
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    Networks, Social Norms and Knowledge Sub-Networks.Carla C. J. M. Millar & Chong Ju Choi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S4):565 - 574.
    Networks and the World Wide Web seem to provide an answer to efficiently creating and disseminating knowledge resources. Knowledge, however, is ambiguous in character, and contains both explicit (information) and tacit dimensions - the latter being difficult to value as well as to transfer. Participant identity, commitment and behaviour within the network also affect the sharing of knowledge. Hence, existing laws and norms (including property rights) which have been established on the basis of discrete transactions and monetary value-oriented exchange may (...)
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    Everyday Ethics and Ebola: Planning for the Unlikely.Carla C. Keirns - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):68-70.
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    Better than nature: the changing treatment of asthma and hay fever in the United States, 1910–1945.Carla C. Keirns - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (3):511-531.
    Through the early twentieth century, asthmatics were advised to move to a more suitable climate, or to vacation in one during their worst season. In the late nineteenth century, physicians sought to quantify the ideal temperature, humidity, altitude, and pollen count to help travellers to select a suitable place, but these investigations led some physicians to question contradictions between expected and actual conditions. Given that even the best climate was not perfect at all times, and that many patients could not (...)
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    (1 other version)Commentary.Carla C. Keirns & Susan Dorr Goold - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (5):13-14.
  8.  55
    MNCs, Worker Identity and the Human Rights Gap for Local Managers.Carla C. J. M. Millar & Chong Ju Choi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (S1):55-60.
    This article analyses MNCs, worker identity and the ethical vulnerability caused by over-reliance on expatriate managers and under-reliance on local managers, who are often undervalued. It is argued that MNCs not only need but also have an obligation to assess local managers’ knowledge and contributions as having not only operational and market values, but also institutional value. Local managers both give access to and form part of local social capital and the treatment they receive is an element in the CSR (...)
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    Global Strategic Partnerships between MNEs and NGOs: Drivers of Change and Ethical Issues.Carla C. J. M. Millar, Chong Ju Choi & Stephen Chen - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):395-414.
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    Co-Evolution: Law and Institutions in International Ethics Research.Carla C. J. M. Millar, Chong-Ju Choi & Philip Y. K. Cheng - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):455-462.
    Despite the importance of the co-evolution approach in various branches of research, such as strategy, organisation theory, complexity, population ecology, technology and innovation (Lewin et al., 1999; March, 1991), co-evolution has been relatively neglected in international business and ethics research (Madhok and Phene, 2001). The purpose of this article is to show how co-evolution theory provides a theoretical framework within which some issues of ethics research are addressed. Our analysis is in the context of the contrasts between business systems (North, (...)
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    It can't happen to me… or can it? Conditional base rates affect subjective probability judgments.Carla C. Chandler, Leilani Greening, Leslie J. Robison & Laura Stoppelbein - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 5 (4):361.
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    Allergy, Immunity, and the Modern Body.Carla C. Keirns - 2007 - Metascience 16 (2):307-310.
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    Advertising and knowledge intermediaries: Managing the ethical challenges of intangibles. [REVIEW]Carla C. J. M. Millar & Chong Ju Choi - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (3):267-277.
    In today''s business environment, the knowledge-based society, globalisation, and information and communication technologies (ICT) have increased the role of "intangible" values of assets and resources for all industries. As a result there is an increased role for knowledge intermediaries; one of these, advertising, plays an important role in affecting consumer choice and knowledge. Ethical issues which arise for traditional purveyors of intangibility – cultural industries such as art, music, or film, spread to advertising. Building on our perspective of the measurement (...)
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    Dissociations between temporally cued and thematically cued recall.Ronald P. Fisher & Carla C. Chandler - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):395-397.
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    About Global Leadership and Global Ethics, and a Possible Moral Compass: an Introduction to the Special Issue. [REVIEW]Marc T. Jones & Carla C. J. M. Millar - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (S1):1-8.
    This paper reviews a number of huge challenges to ethical leadership in the twenty-first century and concludes that the need for global ethical leadership is not merely a desirable option, but rather – and quite literally – a matter of survival. The crises of the recent past reveal huge, and in some cases criminal, failures of both ethics and leadership in finance, business and government. We posit that mainstream economic theory’s construct of ‘homo economicus’ and its faith in the ‘invisible (...)
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  16.  24
    Does Money Make Bioethics go 'Round?Raymond G. De Vries & Carla C. Keirns - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):65-67.
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    Narrative Symposium: Patient and Research Participant experiences with Genetic Testing.Dena Davis, Sarah Foye, Sarah M. Hartz, Carla C. Keirns, Christopher M. Lietz, Anneke Lucassen, Jacqueline Savard, K. A. Strong, Kiri Sunde, Michael J. Young, Anonymous One & Anonymous Two - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (3):203-228.
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    Attractor States in Teaching and Learning Processes: A Study of Out-of-School Science Education.Carla H. Geveke, Henderien W. Steenbeek, Jeannette M. Doornenbal & Paul L. C. Van Geert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Alternatives for the enforcement of the right to health in Brazil.Carla A. A. Ventura, Rubens C. Junior, Murillo S. Gutier & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):318-327.
    In this article, the right to health is discussed as a social right and an essential requisite in the construction and guarantee of human rights, more precisely human dignity, considering this right as a complex but effective process in the transformation of the social reality. In the first place, the activities of the public power and its difficulties to guarantee universal access to health are highlighted. This scenario ends up inhibiting the practice of the right to health and prevents users (...)
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    Own-age bias in face-name associations: Evidence from memory and visual attention in younger and older adults.Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, Kaitlyn E. Dillon, Robin L. West & Natalie C. Ebner - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104253.
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    Alternatives for the enforcement of the right to health in Brazil.Carla A. A. Ventura, Rubens C. Junior, Murillo S. Gutier & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):318-327.
    In this article, the right to health is discussed as a social right and an essential requisite in the construction and guarantee of human rights, more precisely human dignity, considering this right as a complex but effective process in the transformation of the social reality. In the first place, the activities of the public power and its difficulties to guarantee universal access to health are highlighted. This scenario ends up inhibiting the practice of the right to health and prevents users (...)
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  22. On the New Frontiers of Justice. A Dialogue.Martha C. Nussbaum & Carla Faralli - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (2):145-161.
  23.  25
    The ethics of concurrent care for children: A social justice perspective.Kim Mooney-Doyle, Jessica Keim-Malpass & Lisa C. Lindley - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1518-1527.
    Recent estimates indicate that over 40,000 children die annually in the United States and a majority have life-limiting conditions. Children at end of life require extensive healthcare resources, including multiple hospital readmissions and emergency room visits. Yet, many children still suffer from symptoms at end of life—including fatigue, pain, dyspnea, and anxiety—with less than 10% of these children utilizing hospice care services. A critical barrier to pediatric hospice use was the original federal regulations associated with the hospice care that required (...)
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    The Politics of Representation in the Governance of Emergent 'Secondary Use' Biobanks: The Case of Dried Blood Spot Cards in the Netherlands.Conor Douglas, Carla van El, Maud Radstake, Sarah van Teeffelen & Martina C. Cornel - 2012 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 6 (1).
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    A colourful bond between art and chemistry.Nuno Francisco, Carla Morais, João C. Paiva & Paula Gameiro - 2016 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (2):125-138.
    How can a work of art give us clues about scientific aspects? How can chemistry help a painter enhance his creativity and, above all, preserve the original characteristics of his work? Does an artist require scientific knowledge to innovate or, at least, not to be faked? Other symbiotic fields between art and science are: tattoos, as body art with physical and chemical consequences; pigments, as basic materials with interesting historiographical preparations; spectroscopy diagnosis, as very broad and thorough method of analysis (...)
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    The Seljuk Vezirate: A Study of Civil Administration, 1055-1194.Stephen C. Fairbanks & Carla Klausner - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):28.
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    Helvétius, sa vie et son œuvre, d'après ses ouvrages, des écrits divers et des documents inédits.Albert Keim - 1907 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Excerpt from Helvetius: Sa Vie Et Son uvre, d'Apres Ses Ouvrages, des Ecrits Divers Et des Documents Inedits Je dois d'abord quelques explications sur cet ouvrage, sur la methode employee, le but poursuivi. Psychologue, moraliste, poete epicurien, ideologue, economiste, Helvetius, avec ses tendances encyclopediques, peut etre considere a des titres divers. Mais on s'apercoit bientot que ce disciple de Locke et de Hobbes, ce continuateur systematique de La Rochefoucauld, ce contemporain de Voltaire, de Buffon et de Montesquieu, dont il est (...)
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  28. Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gulbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Fırat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Agnieszka L. Sabiniewicz & Salkič - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29. Emergency care research ethics in low- and middle-income countries.Joseph Millum, Blythe Beecroft, Timothy C. Hardcastle, Jon Mark Hirshon, Adnan A. Hyder, Jennifer A. Newberry & Carla Saenz - 2019 - BMJ Global Health 4:e001260.
    A large proportion of the total global burden of disease is caused by emergency medical conditions. Emergency care research is essential to improving emergency medicine but this research can raise some distinctive ethical challenges, especially with regard to (1) standard of care and risk–benefit assessment; (2) blurring of the roles of clinician and researcher; (3) enrolment of populations with intersecting vulnerabilities; (4) fair participant selection; (5) quality of consent; and (6) community engagement. Despite the importance of research to improve emergency (...)
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    Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events.Linda J. Levine, Gillian Murphy, Heather C. Lench, Ciara M. Greene, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Carla Tinti, Susanna Schmidt, Barbara Muzzulini, Rebecca Hofstein Grady, Shauna M. Stark & Craig E. L. Stark - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-20.
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    Power and Penury: Government, Technology, and Science in Philip II's Spain. David C. Goodman.Carla Phillips - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):728-729.
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    Walking Speed Reliably Measures Clinically Significant Changes in Gait by Directional Deep Brain Stimulation.Christopher P. Hurt, Daniel J. Kuhman, Barton L. Guthrie, Carla R. Lima, Melissa Wade & Harrison C. Walker - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: Although deep brain stimulation often improves levodopa-responsive gait symptoms, robust therapies for gait dysfunction from Parkinson's disease remain a major unmet need. Walking speed could represent a simple, integrated tool to assess DBS efficacy but is often not examined systematically or quantitatively during DBS programming. Here we investigate the reliability and functional significance of changes in gait by directional DBS in the subthalamic nucleus.Methods: Nineteen patients underwent unilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS surgery with an eight-contact directional lead in the most (...)
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  33. Reasons for Facebook Usage: Data From 46 Countries.Marta Kowal, Piotr Sorokowski, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Katarzyna Pisanski, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Grace Akello, Charlotte Alm, Afifa Anjum, Kelly Asao, Boris Bizumic, Mahmoud Boussena, David M. Buss, Marina Butovskaya, Seda Can, Katarzyna Cantarero, Hakan Cetinkaya, Marco A. C. Varella, Rosa M. Cueto, Marcin Czub, Seda Dural, Ignacio Estevan, Carla S. Esteves, Jorge Contreras-Graduño, Ivana Hromatko, Chin-Ming Hui, Feng Jiang, Konstantinos Kafetsios, András Láng, Torun Lindholm, Giulia Lopez, Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Rocío Martínez, Norbert Meskó, Conal Monaghan, Bojan Musil, Jean C. Natividade, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Mohd S. Omar Fauzee, Baris Özener, Ariela F. Pagani, Miriam Parise, Farid Pazhoohi, Mariia Perun, Nejc Plohl, Camelia Popa, Pavol Prokop, Muhammad Rizwan, Mario Sainz, Christin-Melanie Vauclair & Stanislava Yordanova Stoyanova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505966.
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    On the Relation Between Over-Indebtedness and Well-Being: An Analysis of the Mechanisms Influencing Health, Sleep, Life Satisfaction, and Emotional Well-Being.Mário B. Ferreira, Filipa de Almeida, Jerônimo C. Soro, Márcia Maurer Herter, Diego Costa Pinto & Carla Sofia Silva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper aims to explore the association between over-indebtedness and two facets of well-being – life satisfaction and emotional well-being. Although prior research has associated over-indebtedness with lower life satisfaction, this study contributes to the extant literature by revealing its effects on emotional well-being, which is a crucial component of well-being that has received less attention. Besides subjective well-being, reported health, and sleep quality were also assessed. The findings suggest that over-indebted consumers have lower life satisfaction and emotional well-being, as (...)
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    Tu tantum praefecti mihi studium et annonam in necessariis locis praebe: prefettura al pretorio e annona militaris nel III secolo d. C.Filippo Carlà - 2007 - História 56 (1):82-110.
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    Attitudes Toward Money and Control Strategies of Financial Behavior: A Comparison Between Overindebted and Non-overindebted Consumers.Filipa de Almeida, Mário B. Ferreira, Jerônimo C. Soro & Carla Sofia Silva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:566594.
    This paper addresses whether overindebted and non-overindebted consumers differ in their attitude toward money (specifically, the degree to which consumers care about money and feel difficulties keeping track of their money) and how this attitude impacts three different financial behavior categories: record keeping (e.g., recording spending in writing), adjusting balance (e.g., trying to find ways to decrease one’s expenses to match income), and monitoring balance (e.g., monitoring one’s spending to see if it is in line with what is expected). Overindebted (...)
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    Corrigendum: Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błazejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslihan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gülbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Firat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Meskó, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan & Agn Sabiniewicz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Editorial: Adaptation to Psychological Stress in Sport.Martin J. Turner, Marc V. Jones, Anna C. Whittaker, Sylvain Laborde, Sarah Williams, Carla Meijen & Katherine A. Tamminen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Moral Imagination of Patricia Werhane: A Festschrift.R. Edward Freeman, Sergiy Dmytriyev, Andrew C. Wicks, James R. Freeland, Richard T. De George, Norman E. Bowie, Ronald F. Duska, Edwin M. Hartman, Timothy J. Hargrave, Mark S. Schwartz, W. Michael Hoffman, Michael E. Gorman, Mollie Painter-Morland, Carla J. Manno, Howard Harris, David Bevan & Patricia H. Werhane - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book celebrates the work of Patricia Werhane, an iconic figure in business ethics. This festschrift is a collection of articles that build on Werhane’s contributions to business ethics in such areas as Employee Rights, the Legacy of Adam Smith, Moral Imagination, Women in Business, the development of the field of business ethics, and her contributions to such fields as Health Care, Education, Teaching, and Philosophy. All papers are new contributions to the management literature written by well-known business ethicists, such (...)
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    Odyssean ethnography C. Dougherty: The raft of Odysseus. The ethnographic imagination of Homer's odyssey. Pp. VIII + 243. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2001. Cased, £32.50. Isbn: 0-19-513036-. [REVIEW]Carla Bocchetti - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):6-.
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    The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity (review).Carla Maria Antonaccio - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):637-641.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.4 (2000) 637-641 [Access article in PDF] IRAD MALKIN. The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. xiii + 331 pp. 6 maps. Cloth, $45, £35. The latest book from the pen of Irad Malkin is a substantial, creative contribution to the discourse in classical studies on ethnicity and ethnic identity. Malkin rejects the now familiar binary (...)
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    Claude Romano au carrefour de la phénoménologie française.Carla Canullo - 2013 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (2):87-104.
    Au carrefour de la phénoménologie française contemporaine Depuis la fin des années ’90, la réflexion sur l’événement a permis de compter Claude Romano parmi les protagonistes de la phénoménologie française contemporaine. Sa proposition phénoménologique s’est ensuite nouée (grâce à l’endurante lecture des romans de Faulkner) à l’inouï débordement de l’événement de la vie que le récit est censé redonner, pour ainsi dire, "en elle-même" et à l’abri de toute sorte de réduction. L’enjeu de ces pages – consacrées à l’ouvrage de (...)
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    Transmutatio corporalis. Le corps et les passions selon Thomas d’Aquin.Carla Casagrande - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4 (4):649-671.
    Dans cet article j’analyse le concept de transmutatio corporalis dans la théorie des passions de Thomas d’Aquin. Je prends en considération surtout le traité sur les passions contenu dans la Somme de théologie, mais aussi d’autres textes du maître dominicain : le Commentaire sur les Sentences, les Questions disputées sur la vérité, le bref traité Sur le mouvement du cœur. Tout d’abord, je montre comment l’idée de transmutatio corporalis est essentielle pour la définition thomasienne de la passion, puis j’identifie en (...)
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    Probability, Dynamics and Causality: Essays in Honour of Richard C. Jeffrey.D. Costantini & Maria Carla Galavotti - 1997 - Springer Verlag.
    The proceedings of a June 1995 conference in Luino, Italy. One poem and 16 papers explore various issues in the philosophy of science with an emphasis on the foundations of probability and statistics and quantum mechanics. The topics include subjective probability, Bayesian statistics, probability kinematics, causal decision making, and probability and realism in quantum mechanics. The problem of collecting new evidence and updating probability judgements are addressed in reference to different applications. No index. Reprinted from Erkenntnis vol. 45, nos. 2-3 (...)
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    Duch logick é ho empirizmu: Miesto Carla G. hempela vo filozofii vedy 20. storo č ia.P. R. C. Klady - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66:333-350.
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    Review of Carla Rita Palmerino (ed.), J.m.M.h. Thijssen (ed.), The Reception of the Galilean Science of Motion in Seventeenth-Century Europe[REVIEW]Joseph C. Pitt - 2005 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2005 (7).
  47.  27
    Experience, Reality, and Scientific Explanation: Essays in Honor of Merrilee and Wesley Salmon.Maria Carla Galavotti & A. Pagnini - 2010 - Dordrecht and London: Springer, Dordrecht.
    The papers collected here comprise the proceedings of a Workshop in honor ofMerrilee and Wes Salmon, held in Florence on May 17-18, 1996. The aim of the meeting was to pay homage to these two American scholars, whose contact with Italian and European Universities and Institutes had a major influence on "Continental" thought in the field of epistemology and probability. In fact, Merrilee and Wes spent various periods lecturing at the Universities of Bologna, Florence, Rome, Trieste, Catania and Pisa, as (...)
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  48. Dossier “La philosophie de l’humilité”.Elisa Grimi, C. Canullo, M. Micheletti, K. Opalka, R. Pouivet & M. Salvioli - 2017 - Tolosa, Francia: ICT.
    Dossier: L’humilité Présentation du dossier. Coordonné par Elisa Grimi. Essays and contributors: L’intelligence de l’humilité, Carla Canullo; La virtù dell’umiltà e l’eudemonismo, Mario Micheletti; Humility – A work of love?, Katharine Opalka; L’humilité intellectuelle, la foi et l’épistémologie, Roger Pouivet; L’irriducibile ragionevolezza di un paradosso. L’umiltà secondo Tommaso d’Aquino e Gilbert K. Chesterton, Marco Salvioli, O.P.; L’Humilité, une ontologie de l’identité, Elisa Grimi.
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    Herold, R., Keim, J., König, H. & Walker, C. (eds.): 1997, Ich bin doch krank und nicht verrückt. Moderne Leiden. Das verleugnete und unbewusste Subjekt in der Medizin. [REVIEW]Martin Dornberg - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (2):175-176.
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  50. Domenico Costantini and Maria Carla Galavotti, eds., Probability, Dynamics and Causality: Essays in Honour of Richard C. Jeffrey Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Paul Bartha - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (5):321-323.
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